Wednesday, November 25, 2009

holidays in the ER

Holidays in the ER are stressful for the patients, their families and the ER staff. Illness and death are the worst experiences in most peoples' lives, but this emotion trauma is heightened when it occurs around Thanksgiving or Christmas. The doctors and nurses are also dealing with the fact that they have to work when most people are home with their families. Our spouses, children and relatives may not be as sympathetic, as we might wish them to be, concerning the sacrifice ER folks are making.
Over-eating, excessive drinking and the frequent emergence of old family conflicts add to the cases of congestive heart failure, vomiting, and trauma, not to mention the jump in psychiatric complaints. Nothing like a suicide attempt to brighten the mood of an ER doctor. The volume of the ER is very predictable with regards to holiday weekends. Christmas Eve is pediatric clinic, as parents want little Johny or Mary cured by Christmas morning. The last day of a long holiday weekend is non-stop as those injuries, overindulgences and assorted coughs, aches and pains loom large with the first day back to work or school in sight.
Please, enjoy your holiday. Remember those who work to provide the safety net that you need, nurses, techs, docs and our friends the police, firefighters, EMT's must give up their holiday time to keep you safe and secure.
I will be home tomorrow with my wife and family. We will eat turkey, turducken, mashed potatoes, stuffings, veggies, and drink wine made by my nephew. Toast to your health, a votre sante, prosit, skole, gumbay...

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