Saturday, November 14, 2009

ER patients

Why does someone choose to go to an ER? Chest pains, trauma, vomiting blood, labor.. all good reasons to seek emergency care. Vague abdominal pains for 6 months, chronic back pain for 10 years, the dog ate my script.. not so urgent.
NCP, non coping patients. If your child is cranky and has a fever, give the kid some acetaminophen or ibuprofen. It is not necessary to see an ER doctor because of a simple febrile illness. Similarly if your child vomits twice, don't keep trying to feed him or her and then come to the ER because Jonny or Susie isn't keeping anything down. I often find this child with cheetos powder around his well hydrated lips.
ER docs are not dentists. A tooth ache not accompanied by fever and severe facial swelling can wait to see a dentist the next day. One's lack of dental insurance will not change the fact that you need to see a DMD or DDS not an MD.
We are also not WEBMD. please don't call the ER for medical advise. We cannot make assessments by phone. In the same vein, don't call to see how busy we are. An ER is not a bakery. Patients are seen by the severity of their illness, not who arrived first. Family and friends should not ask your overworked ER doctor for free medical advice concerning their own ills.
Being old I also would like a make a case for civility. My name is not dude, man, bro, doc, or pal. I spent 12 years to become an ER doctor. Doctor is my title and my preference when addressed by a patient or family.

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