Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Resquiescat in pace

RIP. As a new member of the medical staff of my hospital in the early 80's, I needed advise and guidance. A smiling pediatrician welcomed me to Local General Hospital. Dr M worked in a large multispecialty group practice. He later started his own office with his wife who managed the practice. Children from his practice would arrive in the ER after a phone call from M. The information would often include insights into the dynamics of the family. Having M's friendship and confidence was greatly appreciated by a naive ER doc.

I was privileged to be Dr M's personal ER doc. He and his beloved wife honored me by their confidence in my abilities. When my nephews needed a new pediatrician, Dr M welcomed them into his "family" of patients. Eight days ago M made his last visit to the ER. He had suffered a cardiac arrest at home. Despite CPR by his wife and the best efforts of EMS, ER and intensivists at our hospital, Dr M died on Halloween morning.

A memorial service was held this morning. I had worked the past three nights and grabbed two hours of sleep. A shower and my best dark suit made me presentable to say goodbye to my friend. The church was packed with colleagues, family, friends and patients. The receiving line at the wake last night began forming an hour before the viewing began. A reading from "Winnie the Pooh" was given by one of M's son. His other son who joined his office 5 years ago, read a pertinent passage from the New Testament. The CEO of our hospital gave a deeply felt and moving eulogy. A life long friend added a eulogy that gave insight into M's personal life.

What is the measure of a man? Dr M was a loving husband and father. Friend, mentor, care giver, teacher. He served as president of the medical staff, member of the board of trustees, and tirelessly raised the profile and brought in donations for the hospital. The loss of this extraordinary man will be felt by everyone who was embraced by his warmth and humanity.

The epitaph for Dr M is what he told my sister-in-law and the parents of all his kids, "take him home and love him".

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