Saturday, December 17, 2011

Lazy Saturday

Due to the vagaries of the scheduling fairies, I haven't worked since 9/7 night shift. I will return to Nashoba on Monday and then will be working 11 out of 15 nights. Never volunteer to work the holidays. A and I are in Starbucks while our housekeepers are earning their Christmas bonus.

No fantasies today. I am anchored in the reality of the present. A has been home, sick with the flu this past week. She did get a flu shot but only 1 1/2 weeks ago. Word to the wise, get your flu shot in September. The immunization takes up to 6 weeks to reach maximal effectiveness.

I felt sad on Thursday night. I was not in attendance at the LGH ER Xmas party. Sally's pictures were a bitter sweet reminder of happier times. I don't miss the chaos of the LGH ER, just the many wonderful people who work there.

I wonder if Nashoba's Christmas eve will be decked with sick kids and depressed patients. My thoughts will be with our friends the H's who host an annual "Feast of the Seven Fish" on Christmas eve. I am sure that my buddy Scott will send a care package with A for my Christmas day meal.

The World's Oldest ER Doc loves Christmas. The music, the food, the lights, "White Christmas", "It's a Wonderful Life", the spirit of good will, all make for a joyous holiday season. I reminisced with my mother yesterday about my childhood holiday memories: playing dreidl with the rolls of pennies and nickels from my Grandpa; sharing the wonderful food prepared by our neighbors the Pace's; hoping for snow on Christmas morning: and knowing that my mother, not Santa filled my stocking on Christmas eve.

To my friends, readers and people of the blogosphere. Have a wonderful Christmas, a happy Chanukah, a Kwanzaa with joy, and to all a Happy, Healthy, and safe 2012.

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