Saturday, June 25, 2011

Last Dance

This is it. Last night at LGH. 28 years. I have mixed emotions. LGH was more than a job. My family and I were all treated as patients in this hospital. My father-in-law died here. I made friends who have proved tried and true in my times of need. I have worked with and treated generations of people at LGH. The current administration felt that I needed to leave. I will join a list of nurses, techs, aides, and secretaries who were also shown the door. The criteria for hiring and firing people seems to have more to do with personality conflicts than competency. The upside of leaving is a blessed lessening of my stress level. The lack of space and personnel relative to the volume and acuity of our patients, has made this ER a risky place to be a worker or a patient.
There are kind, smart, hard working nurses, doctors, physician assistants, techs, and support staff. They will provide our patients with very good, if slow care. They deserve to be recognized by there leaders for the extraordinary work that they do. Good luck to all my friends.
A special thanks to Sue G, Deb, Sandi, Kristen, Jess, Fo, Donna S, Marie P, Donna B, Jackie, the Rachels, Heidi, Bubba, Lisa B, Leza, Kellie, Dawna T, Mel, Brandy, Tara and all the folks on nights. I will miss my partners. I leave the night shift in the strong hands of my brother, Chris K.
The world's oldest ER doc will continue to blog but at a new lodge of the B.O.N.E.R. docs

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