Saturday, December 18, 2010

Seven days til Christmas

Tis the week before Christmas and all through my mind,
Visions of moms with their kids; complaints of all kind:
Sniffles and coughs, fever and chills,
Spitting up, pooping, bumps and spills,
Swallowing toys, batteries, and herbage,
Infants and toddlers will eat any garbage.

The plants of the season give me concerns,
Mistletoe, poinsettias and even house ferns,
All can injure if chewed or ingested.

Holly especially is one to be detested:
20 berries to a child is a dose that may kill,
Vomiting, gasping, seizing; this is not a drill.

Take care with toys that have been painted,
With lead and cadmium, they could be tainted.

Sleds, skate, skis and snow boards make great presents,
Add a helmet for the young and even the parents.

Safety for my patients keeps me awake,
Thin ice may cause drowning for wee ones who skate.

Low temperature, wet and wind: frost bite is a real peril,
Layers of clothes, hats, scarves, mittens; warm winter apparel.

Hot toddies, egg nog and drinks for the season,
None for children and with good reason,

Alcohol is a poison even in small doses,
Take care of the partiers with curious noses.

But you'll hear me proclaim ere my words fade from sight,
Have a safe Christmas and to all a good night.

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