Saturday, June 26, 2010

Love and marriage

June 27th is my 34th wedding anniversary. It is also the 39th anniversary of the day I met my wife. The summer of 71 at a coed camp in New England was extraordinary for the waterfront counselors. Three marriages ensued from relationships that began that summer. I was a 19 year old, soon to be college sophomore, when I met this cute girl who was entering her senior year in high school. Besides being cute, she was funny, smart and told me to go f--- myself at one point during that summer. I was smitten.

Five years later, one month after she graduated from college, we were wed. I was in my fourth year in medical school. Our honeymoon was delayed until the next spring, after my graduation. Internship, residency and my bride's master degree occupied our early married life. We were fortunate to have supportive families, who all got along well.

We purchased our first home with help from her grandmother in 1980. Careers and actually spending time together led to misunderstanding and a short separation. Our dogs brought us together. Life continued with triumphs and tragedies. The weird hours and pressures of the ER were constant stressors. Having children was not to be part of our marriage. We became the world's best uncle and aunt (according to our youngest nephew). My wife pursued a second career as a attorney.

Joys and sorrows were shared. Our love continued to grow. Best friends, partners,and lovers, we enjoyed being parents to a number of beloved akitas. My cousin, an advertising executive, gave my beloved her current sobriquet, "an exotic woman of indeterminate age".

We now face new challenges and problems. Our own future, and the need to be supportive of our dear parents must be addressed. As "senior" members of our respective professional groups, we now mentor young colleagues, even as we ponder our own longevity.

The world's oldest ER doc is a lucky man. I have wonderful nurses, doctors, PA's, aides, techs, and clerical staff in my ER. My family is loving and near by. Best of all, I have my wife by my side. June 27, 2010 is our 34th anniversary. It's a wonderful life.

1 comment:

  1. To my WBB (Worlds Best Brother) as Reed would put it. That blog was so beautiful. Happy Happy 34 Anniversary to you and Andie. Here's to another 34. We love you both so much!!!
