Sunday, February 5, 2012

Doc Quixote Part 5: Super Bowl Domingo

It has finally arrived. My request to be unassigned from the hospice on this day, 5 Febrero, was placed 6 months ago. At that time I had no delusions that our futbol gladiators Los Patriots would be in the great game. As a mucacho growing up in La Massachusetts, Los Gigantes was my team. The only team shown on the local television stations. YA Tittle, Sam Huff, Frank Gifford and the coach Allie Sherman were my heroes. When the two leagues merged, my loyalties became exclusively tied to Los Patriots.

The emergency sala at all Hospices will be much less busy during the contest. After the struggle concludes, the trickle of supplicants will become a great river. The presence of Los Patriots in the Super Bowl will guarantee victims of strong drink and testosterone fueled battles. Win or lose, youths of our land will celebrate or mourn with violence. The rivalry between the two cities represented by los equipos heightens the passions of the fanatics.

Los Rojo Sox vs Los Yanques, Los Celticos vs Los Knicks, Los Osos vs Los Guardas are rivalries that define the sports of the nation. In parts of the world, wars have been fought over such combatants. Volumes of words are written to document these contests. Billions of dollars are spent to see the games, buy apparel with the names of our sports teams and heroes, and purchase food and drink to consume before, during and after the games.

In my humble casa, there will be only Dulcinea, my brother by marriage Senor B and my faithful Perro Viejo, Magnus. I will cheer for Los Patriots. I will pray for my comrades in the Hospices and La Policia who must cope with the fanatics during and especially after the game. Let the Game begin.