Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Doc Quixote, Part 1

Hello, my name is Miguel Dulce Cervantes. I am a healer of bodies and souls. In the land of La Massachusetts, I reside with my wife, Dulcinea, and my faithful companion Magnus Panza. Some say that I am delusional. They are wrong.  My visions are real, and I act as befits a knight of the Brotherhood. There are ogres, trolls, and malevolent giants in this land.

When it is time to battle the forces of evil, I don my armament. My raiment, maroon or blue blouse and pantaloons, keep me safe from the microbes and fluids that afflict and ooze from those in need of my care. My coat of white, bears my name and title for all to see. I hide from no one, friend or foe. Lights of complex design, machines that make images, hearing devices and my strong but sensitive fingers allow me to delve into my patients soma and psyche.

My last campaign endured for nigh three decades. I fought alongside brave and compassionate allies. Ultimately, I was defeated by the White Wizard and his coven. The lies and perfidity of these spawn of pergatory, drove me from the field of battle and nearly crushed my heart. Others were cast out by the Wizard and his hand maidens. Wounded, the survivors of the battle kept their spirits up and continued their good deeds at other hamlets in the land. My dear Esmirelda suffered greatly at the gnarled hands of the Great Witch. Esmirelda of the Mountains persevered. She faced famine and poverty but prevailed.

My advancing age has diminished my strength and stamina. My hands and heart remain commited to the cause. I will continue to tilt at the giants with my lance, even when others see only windmills. In the course of time, I shall share my adventures with you.   Adios!